

Have your say on aged care-extrawide.png

This site has been set up for older and infirm Australians, their families, carers and friends – as well as those working in this sector – to share their experiences ahead of the Federal Government’s next moves on aged care regulation.

Your input will be invaluable as a way to let Canberra publicly know what the issues are at the coalface. You will be helping us show policymakers and politicians what really needs to be addressed.

If you browse through each of the site’s sections, you will get a feel for some of the issues raised by others. Each page has a conversation-starter and usually at least one link to a news story, report or other relevant information. Just click on the link above to have Your Say on Aged Care in Australia.

We invite negative and positive insights about residential, in-home or community aged care that you or a loved one has experienced. We also welcome input from those tasked with providing that care.

NOTE: Please read the Submission instructions before contributing.

This website is an initiative of Older People Speak Out, an all-volunteer group of retired and semi-retired professionals who advocate on behalf of Australians aged over 50 years. We are an independent, free-spirited group with the experience, knowledge and qualifications to speak out on older people’s issues without fear or favour. OPSO has been going strong for 25+ years and you can find out more about us at opso.com.au, where you can become a member for just $10 a year.

UPDATE: Now that a Royal Commission has been called into Aged Care, Older People Speak Out will be making a submission that includes the posts on this site.

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  1. Pingback: Your Say On Aged Care | Special Care Clothing Solutions

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